
SigMa presents Educational Demos the first Saturday of the month at 5pm on the second floor of the Green Lantern.


Upcoming Demos:

Saturday, September 7st: Tit Torture – Or is it?

Is it?  You decide.

This Saturday, September 7th, SigMa will present its first educational/demo/workshop of the Fall.  Join us at the Green Lantern for this event.

There will be plenty of 'pervertables' as well as regular equipment so if you are inclined – you can try items out – on yourself or others.

We have several bottoms (subjects) for this demo (it is always nice to see it done on others).  Then you can try items on yourself (or others).

Of course we’ll have door prizes – porn (literature and visual) AND some TT pervertables.

As always, SigMa’s educational demos are free and open to all and emphasize the “adult” in Adult Education. SigMa presents topics on sexuality and kink in a mature and respectful (but still good-humored and entertaining) manner. These are held on the second floor of the Green Lantern -1335 Green Court, NW at 5pm. Come early, grab a beverage and meet us on the second floor.

We hope to see you there.

We still hope to have October’s topic as  Hypnosis – just have to get our presenter comfortable to present on the second floor of a bar.
November – TBD  Ideas?
December – TBD Ideas?